University of Johannesburg Metroplitan Academy (UJMA)
The Impact at University of Johannesburg Metropolitan Academy “It’s a nice app to bridge gaps that you have had from primary school which you can fix and go build your foundation much stronger. So that to me is really why I’d say...
Centre of Science and Technology (COSAT)
The Impact at The Centre of Science and Technology The Centre of Science and Technology (COSAT) is a quintile 3 school which decided to focus their efforts on a smaller group of students due to their ICT constraints. They chose 33 of...
The Breakthrough: Uplands Outreach
What We Learnt Students have the ability to catch–up 4-6 grades of knowledge in Mathematics within a single year. Personalised diagnostic assessment can be used to actively engage students in their own learning process. The building of knowledge along logical learning trajectories...
Mind The Gap: Leap School and Edunova’s Learning Centre
What We Learnt About Their Learning Gaps When major learning gaps build over time, there is little difference in knowledge between Grade 9 and Grade 11 learners. The learning gaps are evident in Mathematics are possibly even worse in Science. The Background...
Renewing South Africa’s Maths Hope’s
What We Learnt Learners have the ability to catch–up 4-6 grades of knowledge in Mathematics within a single year. Personalised diagnostic assessment can be used to actively engage learners in their own learning process. The building of knowledge along logical learning trajectories...
The Learning Plateau
What We Learnt From A Learning Gaps Perspective Learning gaps widen over time, from a four–year gap in Grade 9 to a six–year gap Without intervention, learning plateaus at Grade 6 level, creating a ceiling beyond Students even in Grade 12 are...
IBhodi Trust Case Study
The Background In 2020, Valenture Institute – a global online high school – partnered with the iBhodi Trust to develop a model of providing excellent education to students who come from an impoverished background. They identified 28 mixed–ability students in Grade 9...
Scaling for the Future
What We Learnt The personalised catch-up approach can be scaled across multiple schools and provinces to achieve significant results with only the weekly support of a facilitator. The approach lends itself to an implementation that assures student engagement to a greater degree....
Raising Achievement in the Lowveld
THE BACKGROUND In 2021, Ntiyiso Consulting sponsored a project which used Reflective Learning to assist 58 Grade 8 students at Lowveld Academy in Limpopo. After introducing the programme to the school principal, Maths HOD and wider Maths department. THE BASELINE RESULTS AT...
Durban Girls’ High School
The Impact at Durban Girl’s High School “The fact that the programme is able to identify learning gaps for individual learners and it’s not a pen-and-paper test that learners are writing. Just knowing that something is able to give me a very...