Frequently Asked Questions

Questions By Category
Discover the answers you need in our most frequently asked questions.
- General Questions
- Assessment Questions
- Catch Up Questions
- Monitoring Questions
- Technology Questions
- Impact Questions
What is Reflective Learning?
We identify backlogs for each student and provide a personalised catch-up course to bridge the gaps
Should students be taking notes in a book?
How often should each student use the programme per week?
Why do I need to send a URL?
The Reflective Learning support team use the URL to get the most amount of information required to speedily test and resolve issues
What are learning gaps?
Ideas or concepts that you should already have an understanding of from previous grades, but are missing.
Why is each diagnostic assessment so important?
What kind of environment should Reflective Learning be implemented within?
What to stress to your child when taking an assessment at home?
• Take as much time as you need answering as many questions as you can. We recommend you use a pen and paper to complete the assessment; calculators are not permitted. Students have the ability to return to their assessment at a later time thanks to a feature that automatically saves their progress. There is no need to rush.
• Do not guess. Encourage them to use the IDK (I don’t know) button with confidence. Guessing will affect the learning pathway for your child and reduce the efficacy of the programme.
• Don’t assist them. When your child asks a question, it may be tempting to assist them. This is not your typical test. The purpose of the assessment is to determine what a student knows and, more importantly, does not know so that appropriate catch up material can be provided.
• We all have gaps. Nobody remembers 100% of what they read and write. Reflective Learning is designed to identify the gaps and then give students only what they need to catch up the knowledge in the correct order solidifying the foundations. This allows the new material being taught in your classroom to become easier to understand.
Why is the programme repeating
The learner will do their baseline assessment which will determine the catch up that needs to be done. Once the learner has completed their catch up they will then do a reassessment, if the learner does not receive 75% or over mastery for this assessment they will be sent to do the necessary catch up again ( repeating certain catch up concepts)
What is Catch Up?
Catch up is the content or lessons on the programme that teach you only what you are missing. Catch up goes back to the ideas that we missed and explains them. It teaches like a teacher would.
Where do I start with my Catch Up?
Always click on the Flashing Circle on your concept tree.
When I've completed my Catch Up lesson, why is the circle not turning green?
You have to first complete all your catch Up lessons for the journey, do the reassessment, only once you've mastered the concept in the reassessment will the Catch Up turn green.
Parent Portal
Teachers' Portal
What kind of devices does Reflective Learning work on?
Does Refllective Learning use a lot of data?
What browser should the students use?
Text To Speech
Trouble Logging in?
How long is my personal free trial?
If there are problems with the app (once they are already logged in), please encourage students to:
Click “refresh”
log out and back in
Click “refresh” Log out and back in. Clear cache (Push ‘ctrl’, ‘shift’ ‘r’)
If the above does not work, please encourage the students to use the chat functionality (manned by a real person at Reflective Learning in office hours).
Technology troubles?
Why is it a problem to have gaps?
It makes it very difficult to learn new work from your teacher, and stops you from understanding new ideas that build on top of those basic blocks.
How long does it take to show improvement?
It all depends on how many gaps you have! Work through the catchup lessons slowly and thoroughly, avoid rushing and take notes as you learn. This will enable you to learn better and master the concepts in your reassessment. The deeper you learn, the more you will master new concepts!
What is the point/goal of using Reflective Learning?
To identify and fill your learning gaps/Improve your understanding in Maths & English to Catch up what you have missed.
Why shouldn’t you get help or use a calculator during an assessment?
It won’t be able to accurately pick up where you have learning gaps - it hides them. Calculators stop us from thinking.