Reflective Learning - South Africa -

Building solid foundations for lifelong learning

We help students identify and close learning gaps that hold them back from reaching their full potential.


Enquiring as a teacher or school?

Powerful Learner Catch Up Tools

Reflective Learning assess not only which concepts a learner struggles with but how far back they need to go in order for them catch up. It then provides individualised programmes, helping learners build on and strengthen their understanding of those concepts from exactly where they missed out.

Powerful Diagnostics

Identify conceptual gaps with our uniquely powerful diagnostics. Pinpoint not only which concepts a learner struggles with but how far back to start learning with our in-depth assessments.

Individualised Catch Up

Personalised catch-up to rebuild foundational gaps and backlogs. Our catch-up builds mastery of concepts, reaching back to years that teachers do not have time to cover.

Effortless Impact

Encourage independent learning through easy to use technology. Accessible from any smart device, incredibly data-light, and a beautiful user experience makes it easy for students to learn independently.

Empowering students
to become lifelong

Maths is not your average subject. The knowledge you need builds up over all your years at school. But more than 60% of students have major gaps in their Maths understanding – and this can happen across any school. This is why learners struggle with Maths.


What Students
Say About Us

At Reflective Learning, we know how important it is to make a difference in the lives of our learners. We are committed to providing them with software that works and helps improve their skills so they can feel more confident on their path towards success.The best part about what we do is tangibly seeing the impact we have made; see what some learners have to say about their experience in using Reflective Learning.

Reflective Learning explains the ideas so clearly. They explained the simple concepts in a way that I can understand. It’s fun to do, and easy to follow.


Year 8 Learner


How it works

Powerful Diagnostics
Highly detailed diagnostic assessments assess mastery of fundamental concepts in Maths and English at three levels along logical learning pathways. This serves as the foundation for individualised support
Personalised Learning Material
A personalised catch-up course builds a learner's conceptual knowledge from their current level, or even from the beginning if necessary, all the way up to the end of Grade 9. This lays the groundwork for future learning while also developing their soft skills and transforming them into lifelong learners.
Enhanced Learning Behaviour
At the start of their journey, learners are asked to answer a number of questions. This is to find out what they think about the subject and how interested they are in it. As they go through the programme, they will be able to see how their thoughts change as they learn more.
Self-guided Learning Approach
Students progress through the programme at their own pace. This is done to maximise their ability to absorb and learn new information without the stress of having to follow and adhere to a timetable.
Gamified Learning Rewards
Learners earn gems as they progress through the programme and complete tasks. These gems can be used to purchase new items for their character in the shop. This encourages good work and reinforces positive learning behaviours. They can learn while also having fun.
Data-centric Insights
Data is gathered as students progress through the programme. Teachers and parents have access to highly detailed reports that show where the learner is in their learning journey as well as the progress they have made. This information is extremely useful to teachers because it allows them to determine the level of their students in the classroom.

Gamified Learning

Bubble Pop

Students can improve their fluency while progressing through their learning journeys with our new fluency activities. This practise game is only available after they have mastered enough concepts, as it is critical that they first learn and then practice. Bubble Pop, the first game, allows students to practise mental math. They improve speed and accuracy in key Maths operations.

Reward System

Learners have the opportunity to earn gems throughout their learning journey. When positive learning behaviour or progress is observed, these gems are awarded. These gems can be traded in order to create their own character in the shop, where they can select clothing, accessories, various features, and much more! This system allows them to personalise their journey and receive immediate recognition for their efforts.

Crack the Code

Crack the Code is another game that helps students with their Maths fluency, number sense, and mental arithmetic. Students can sharpen their knowledge of the order of operations (also known as BODMAS/PEMDAS/BEDMAS) by solving equations to equal 24 in this game.



We assist students in identifying their learning gaps and then quickly catching up using an adaptive remediation programme. This programme, which is based on extensive data, empowers teachers and students by facilitating their progress toward conceptual mastery. Mathematics is a prerequisite for many university courses. However, success in mathematics does not always imply success in university. Only students who enter their first-year maths course with a matric mark of 90% or higher pass the course, according to data from the top-ranked African university, UCT. Students who pass achieve an average of 64%, indicating a drop in their matric results. Only the lucky few who bring up the average end up passing the rest. Learning backlogs are the primary cause of this poor performance, which has been exacerbated by the recent global pandemic.



Students need to have a strong command of the English language in order to be adequately prepared for entry into the working world. Learners gain the ability to think critically, explain their ideas and insights, and comprehend more advanced concepts in all other subject areas when they have a deep command of language. However, as disappointing as that may be, this is not the reality that we see in classrooms all around the country. A significant number of students have difficulty extracting meaning from the world around them because they lack the essential skills necessary to comprehend what they see, hear, and read and to then articulate this meaning in a way that makes sense.Once students have reached a certain level of literacy, our English teaching tool focuses on language in the context of meaning and has proven to be highly useful in the classroom.


Empowering students to become lifelong learners

At Reflective Learning, we know how important it is to make a difference in the lives of our learners. We are committed to providing them with software that works and helps improve their skills so they can feel more confident on their path towards success. See how we have impacted education since day one through our case studies and learner success stories.

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